Meme Collections

Hey there, welcome to our cozy corner of the internet! Here, we've gathered a delightful collection of memes that have tickled funny bones across the globe. Memes are like little inside jokes that everyone gets, no matter where they're from. So, we've put together a mix of chuckle-worthy creations from different corners of the world. You can easily find the ones that resonate with you using our search tools, and feel free to join in the fun by sharing your favorites or even suggesting new ones! It's all about celebrating the joy of laughter and bringing people together, no matter where they're from.

What is a meme?

The term "meme" was coined by British evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins in his 1976 book "The Selfish Gene." Dawkins defined a meme as a unit of cultural information that spreads from person to person, similar to the way genes spread through biological evolution.The origin of memes can be traced back to the broader concept of cultural transmission and evolution, but internet memes as a distinct phenomenon have their roots in the digital age and the interconnected nature of online communities.